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Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Way We Fly | AI in Commercial Aviation

In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence have been introduced to aviation. This new technology has been used to improve flight safety and optimize flight routes. The use of AI has also lowered fuel consumption and emissions, as flights are more efficient with a computer-generated route rather than a human-made one. The emerging use of artificial intelligence in the airline industry is a positive and well-needed change in the way we fly.

What is AI?

AI is a term that has been used in the past to broadly refer to machine intelligence. Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence is more narrowly defined as using computer systems to perform tasks that are typically associated with human intellect. Researchers study human intelligence to establish models for AI systems.

AI is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks like thinking, understanding language, or doing something like sensing their environment.

How does AI change flight?

The aviation industry is undergoing major changes in the way it operates with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI has improved weather forecasting, improved efficiency in air traffic management, and improved scheduling. When AI takes over in the cockpit, there will be a less human error which will lower the risk of fatalities in accidents.

Air safety and airplane maintenance

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic in the media and society as the world of technology continues to advance. AI has not only made great advancements in automotive, shipping, food, and other industries but also specifically in the aviation industry. Recently, scientists have developed new algorithms to help with airplane maintenance, flight planning management, and overall safety for both passengers on board the plane as well as outside on the ground.
In recent years, the need for air travel is ever-growing with the rise of global commercialization. We are experiencing an unprecedented era in aviation with a 47% growing passenger capacity projected in 2022 just after the covid pandemic.

Airplane accidents are not only costly but also can result in the loss of human lives. Recently a study published by a University in Canada has shown that by using AI, airlines can accurately predict an airplane breakdown 90% of the time. Artificial Intelligence is being used to improve air safety and airplane maintenance; to predict, detect, remedy, and monitor problems before they happen.
In addition, AI is also being used in maintenance at airports to improve service quality and reduce costs. Airports are looking for cost-effective ways to increase their facilities without increasing their staff or spending more on physical assets.

It has been reported that in 2016, at least 40% of all commercial airplane flights around the world were flown with the help of an AI-powered flight control system. Airlines and airports around the world are always looking for ways to improve safety and efficiency, and this new technology may be just what they need.

Crew management

Airlines are constantly looking for better ways to improve their operational efficiency. One way that they have found to do this is by using artificial intelligence (AI) to manage aircraft crews. AI's data-driven analytical capabilities allow airlines to make better use of existing crew resources, optimize the timing of assignments, and develop new ways for assigning crew based on factors such as skillsets or language. This reduces costs, improves readiness, and creates more opportunities to grow their workforce.

Fuel efficiency optimization

The world of aviation is changing. As we learn more about how to optimize flight routes and use less fuel, we also need to be aware of the implications of climate change and the significant effects it will have on our society in the near future. AI is helping us to find new ways of optimizing aircraft fuel efficiency and reducing its impact on the environment.

AI can be used in the aviation industry through software that predicts how an airplane will behave when encountering different types of weather conditions and this prediction can be used to optimize fuel efficiency and save money.

Flight management autonomous flight

AI has already been used to create self-driving cars that are being tested on public roads today. We have been using autopilot in aircraft for many years. With more research, AI could lead to planes that can navigate themselves without human assistance.

Flight management and autonomous taxi, take-off, and landing in the future could be possible with the help of AI. Recently, a company has been awarded a patent for such technology that allows an aircraft to taxi or take off without human intervention. This concept is not novel; but the possibility that the “AI could be equipped to analyze data from multiple sensors including cameras, radar, and laser scanners” to complete this task would make these types of tasks much easier.

Final Words

As more and more airlines adopt AI into their daily operations, we forecast that customers will start to see this technology in places such as ticketing, baggage handling, safety systems, electric planes, and fully autonomous aircraft.

AI is changing the way we fly with its ability to calculate, predict and solve problems. It has enabled us to safely fly in turbulent conditions, reduced fuel consumption by over 10%, enabled faster route planning, reduced airport traffic by 20% with AI-based systems that can process data 50 times faster than humans.